
The Campaign

The Timber You Can Trust campaign, at its heart, is about promoting the use of one of the most sustainable and beautiful materials around: Timber.

It’s also a reminder to the UK government of the great work that has been carried out over the last few years to ensure that the timber used in the UK is responsibly and ethically sourced.

We are asking anyone with an interest in timber, to key stakeholders in the industry to MPs and politicians to members of the public to pledge their support to the campaign.

Simply download the campaign banner here [http://bit.ly/2upwvvO], take a photo of yourself with the banner and share it to social media and/or send it to us using the hashtag #TrustedTimber.

You can also sign our online petition here.


The EU Timber Regulation (EUTR)

The UK imports large volumes of timber from around the world, particularly from the EU. A very important piece of EU legislation known as the EUTR (EU Timber Regulation) places an obligation of due diligence on importers into the EU to ensure standards of legality in their supply chain.

This legislation sets out a clear and sensible, industry-led approach to environmental risk management which we believe sets a great industry benchmark. This system allows consumers in the UK/EU to place their confidence and trust in the fact that the timber they buy and use is not the product of illegal logging and, in many cases, is from sustainably managed forests.

Find out more here.


The Timber Trade Federation (TTF)

We are the Campaign organisers and the largest UK’s trade association representing timber traders, agents, importers, manufacturers, merchants and sawmillers.

Our message to the UK Government and local authorities is:

In this vitally important time of the UK’s negotiations to leave the EU, we urge the government not to let the standards of environmental responsibility for timber to be left at the wayside. We strongly advocate in favour of keeping some form of EUTR legislation which will allow the UK timber sector to continue to grow, thrive and boost the UK economy whilst ensuring that it still provides TIMBER YOU CAN TRUST.

Find out more here.